Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 27: Willy in Gold & Purple Namaste

As time moved along Willy must have gained more respect and trust for paige because he was paying more and more attention to her.  The story is now at the space in  time when the Exorcist was realizing she must get away from the "demon"; NOT because of  what Danni believes she is, but because of astral attacks concerning suicidal visions from Danni's husband who believes he's the anti-Christ.

In paige's mind, the energy from Willy helped her grow stronger so that she could "see" that she was being fed from bythe psy Vamp, Vlad,  according to Baron Samedi.  Yin Yang relationships truly do seem to be more powerful because of the combination of  energy forces co-mingling.

Willy told paige "if you get a phone, i can talk to you on wassup app.  The net is out here for house repairs and i can't get online".  Naturally, paige got a phone and she is convinced that the extra contact with Willy helped her power grow even more.  This led up to her escaping the clutches of Vlad @

On a day when paige was to have a Shamanic mushroom journey, she got permission from Willy to astral to him for sex for the benefit of spiritual growth.  Paige's goddess, Maman Brigette, encourages the once  celibate paige to keep her kundalini active in this manner, and even asked for a blog just about Her @

As the Magick mushrooms began working paige went outside to chill with the Silver Man Incubus Whom Maman Brigette had empowered to keep Her Childe's root and sacral chakras "popping" to stimulate her kundalini.  The story in which paige meets the Silver Man is @

He glided up in a silver cloud that shimmers on the astrals,  but he  was sad because he didn't want paige succubus feeding from Willy as energy exchange.  So, paige told Willy.  "No sex, we will just be friends and do regular energy exchange".  Willy is all about no attachment so he could not return deep love energy that paige received fromher Spirit Husband.  It doesn't matter if a soul is in a living body on the astral fields, they still have energy, Paige is a soul that needs love for sacral and root chakra expression even if it comes from another dimension.

Once that was settled, paige could meditate to see where her lesson of this Journey would be.  For her, each Shamanic Journey had it's own astral visits and lessons to be learned.
Choice of music does seem to affect the dimension that paige's astral self goes to.  She has much to learn from Willy as when his astral self leaves his body he just goes limp; however, she cannot get all the way out as she still feels what is happening in her physical body.  Willy explained to her that feeling and having physical signs of what happens on astral means that she is getting out but not 100%.  After 3 years of practicing, it's about time she gets out 100%; alas, one day soon.  At least her third eye works really great.

On this Day of Journey Paige saw a dimension that was higher than herself and flooded with light as golden as the dawn.  Twas a Holy place of great peace and serenity that filled her soul with  joy and hope.  She floated along approaching a figure sitting like a meditating Buddha on a  raised platform who she recognized as Willy.  It was obvious that she was looking into a dimension that is higher than where her soul dwells.  Golden Light emanated from Willy's soul as it beamed it's compassionate unattachment.  It was as if her soul lay down to bask in the lovely bright golden glow.

When she looked down she could see the Underworld where her gods dwell, and it was so beautiful.  The soft purple light that faded into shades of grey, silver, and black in the lower vibrating dimension felt like home to her.  Twas a Holy place as the Golden Light above with a different purpose and energy.

As she basked in the golden energy of compassion that Willy was beaming on her as well as the energy of protection and love from Her beloved Ghede gods she felt certainty that these two dimensions could exist in peace.  The energy of respect and acceptance was thick so that the only word that which comes to mind is Namaskar.

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings" @  

 has some really cool Shamanic type info

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.



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