Saturday, October 7, 2017

my job as a Nanny & Hank Williams Jr. songs in honor of Southern Pride

"i can plow a field all day long...i can catch catfish from dusk til dawn...we make our whiskey and our own smoke can't starve us out and you can't make us run because we're them ole boys raised on shot gun......we say grace & we say Ma'am...if ain't into that we don't give a damn...we can skin a buck & run a trot line a country boy can survive" ~Hank Williams Jr~ "Country Boys Can Survive"
My son, Noah, got started early; however, he is a stand up Dad at 21. His wife, Rikki, is is only 19, and she married him and his two daughters from his high school sweet heart. The girls' Momma is goode, but she had post partum so that Noah raided the girls alone for a year. Rikki gave us a male heir to carry on the Moore name; she brings more Native blood into our Celtic line which is wonderful. The baby boy's hair is as blonde as it can be, like mine was, and like his big sister. This does not mean that i am a white supremacist or a racist; it simply means that i am proud of my blonde blood line. I have a full time job helping with the girls and cleansing house. The pay is not much, but i haven't been this happy since i was very young.
When families stay together they have more money for themselves and pay less out to the system. We're going to get a windmill and dig our own well one day. W'll have our own chickens, garden, and goats for milk. It seems like the Olde Ways can help folks stop feeding said system. So we will proudly carry on the ways of Southern Country Folks and our Heritage. It is up to us as Southerners to educate our children because , for some reason, the system wants us demonized so they are trying to piss us off by removing the monuments of our dead. That was weird... didn't mean to t so does need to be said, though.
Hank Williams Jr. or Bocephus sings "Family Traditions"
"Country Boys Can Survive by Bocephus"
My blog "There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA" @ has some interesting research about banker involvement is politics at that time.


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