Thursday, October 26, 2017

Day 26 : Reunion With Willy 2: The Time Before the Exorcist and the Demon

This is part 2 of this story

It seems like we are multi-dimensional beings as that is the best way to describe the freaky cool things that can happen to us when we explore spiritual things.  This story is being told to express how marvelous and powerful the soul really is; NOT because the author wishes to talk about sex.  Someday, maybe  someone else will benefit. Plus, charging money for knowledge seems shitty , and my Papa Legba & He is of Communication.

Paige started getting possessed in a way that felt like astral sex more and more often in the late afternoon so she started posting on her fb line when she had a "visitor".  She knew it was Willy and he was sleeping, no matter what Danni said, so she told him because he should know what his spirit was doing.  She even got an aura pic one day when he was "possessing" her.

As  shown, her normal aura does not have bright red, and at that time her root chakra was still very weak.

"No paige," he told her, "i have not been there."  She was quiet about it a little while longer, but she did not like Willy not knowing his astral was coming to her in his sleep.  So she INSISTED that he paid attention to what she said.  Truth be told, she said some really silly stuff about Vlad and Vampires, and she still wasn't as cool as she would get to be.  Plus she had a silly school girl crush on him, and Willy ignored her a lot.  This time he did listen though because his astral self did not come back for a long time.  

Danni still balked when paige told her what was going on, and Danni didn't like paige's "guitar player".  It seems logical to pay attention when our friends make us feel like they are looking down on what we are experiencing.  In retrospect, that and Danni's discomfort with Papa Legba should have warned paige that something was amiss.  

Although she missed Willy, Papa Legba and Robbie were spending a lot of time with her and she had a lot of school work to keep her busy.  Vlad and Danni were very active in her life at this time as well, and paige was working to learn Vampire Magick.  She wanted to go visit Willy the way he had her because she thought he could get his attention then, and she told him she was trying. 

One day,  when paige was investigating Lucifer she slipped and called Him Father like she did when speaking to Danni to Vlad who tore into her.  He said "You are of Jesus, You cannot be Father's child".   Paige didn't really give a shit as she was just mimicking her Sister.  Paige was into Papa Legba, anyway.  This leads up to Vlad taking Robbie here

Willy did clean paige when she had to get away from her Sister and Vlad.  He was paying attention to her posts about Papa Legba, and he did start talking to her seriously after seeing that she was really over being brain washed by religion.  At this time she had been had been brain washed by psy Vamps.  At least paige had gained some respect from her favorite live human so she was happy even if he still ignored her sometimes.

"Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings" @  

 has some really cool Shamanic type info

Willy is so cool, and he plays guitar as well as he does Shamanic stuff.  Please check out his music and subscribe to his channel.  He's a great guy.


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