Saturday, October 14, 2017

Day 14: Halloween Challenge: When the Children from Ritual Sacrifices First Came

At a time when paige still had a semblance of innocence about the ways of the world she was shown something that could not be unseen, and she heard cries that echo in her heart pushing her to take action.  The full moon shone silvery light into the bright night as dark clouds danced in the sky betwixt the Earth and the Moon.  This night she was using the flame to remove negative energy away from Momma Earth by burning a cleansing spell written on blessed paper.

At this space in time paige had met Papa Legba Whom she still thought of as Eshu, His Older  Form, from Africa.  She had just begun doing Magick spells with  the African Orishas in lieu of monotheistic deities.  Mayhap this  is why she was shown something that would drive most crazy.  Surely, when she relayed what she saw to humans she was treated as she usually is.  Nevertheless, she keeps on to this day no matter how isolating her mission is.

The Great Ocean Mother, Yemoja, and Her comrade, the Divine Oshun of Fresh Water Whom paige had petitioned to help the victims of the sex trade may have measured paige's heart as true and pure so that They took her into Their confidence.  Whoever knows why paige was chosen for such a daunting mission has helped her in many ways.  Live humans, on the other hand, not so much.  Humans are mostly too worried about their own lives to care to take time for adding extra woes onto themselves, or to even have compassion for paige's mission.

As paige was shutting the door from returning to her burn rituals she heard "help me", and with her third eye she saw into what looked like a dark cave or cavern.  The Childe she saw was tied down, and  he was in so much pain and terror that paige started to cry.  Her soul and heart; yet, still weep for all who are and have been used in such a way.  The dark figures standing around the Childe had an energy pattern that paige had seen before around her bed when she was a Childe.  The black energy sucked in in lieu of vibrating out as most energy does.  It was unbearable, and thankfully that part of the vision was over but not before paige saw one of the figures begin to rape the Childe.

Whoosh, it was as if her mind was moving through a tunnel even though her body was standing in front of the door in her familiar living room.  Paige looked down on a map representation of the world.  There is no way to know how so much of the world could be fit into one vision; however, she saw it at a time when she still believed ISIS is wholly a Muslim creation.  She was shown a black sucking energy field that was rooted in Israel, and spread across the globe to various terrorist groups and on into the USA.  This energy field connected the Childe she saw in the ritual to energy coming out of churches in America, Israel, and terrorist organizations.  Yes, it's a lot to process; however, since then paige has been obsessed with documenting what she has been shown for those Children whose souls are stuck in the underworld after these horrible rituals are done to them.

This time of telling is over.  The people now know, or have semblance of an idea as demonstrated by Pizza Gate and all of the pedophile rings getting in trouble. Even Alex Jones is on point on this one.

my blog "Let's Trace Symbols from Annunaki to Present Day"
@ presents the antiquity of this 6 pointed star as it is connected to Moloch/Baal/Saturn worship.  David Icke does a great job of speaking for the poor kids  and telling about Saturnalia here   

I don't buy everything that Mr. Icke says; however, i have DEEP RESPECT for him as he is the first one i found, after that horrid vision, who was talking about ISIS being American and the kids used in rituals.  His talk on Saturn worship is on point.

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