Monday, October 16, 2017

What's Up with the Continued War of Aggression Against Southerners and Their Heritage???

Tell me true for i know not the minds of others, would you trust Your beloved Youth to an "inferior" person???  Why are there so many photos of Mammy's holding white babies if all of the Southerners  were so hateful and racist???  Why would a person want a picture of their Childe with a Mammy if they didn't have some semblance of respect and perhaps even love???

Night before last They were in my lucid dream all night long.  They tell me stuff and i type it for Them, then we search for factoids, copy and paste, and type some more.  The Silver Man watching over my shoulder, and stretching his arm to the words every once in awhile makes is a welcome and beloved Presence.  

It's not that i like Southerners who play the blame game or exhibit hatred towards blacks, it's that the USA military invaded the South just like it did so many other countries for reasons connected to greed.  It seems like hating on "snowflakes", ni&%ers, and "libtards" is every bit as ignorant and asinine as those trying to wipe out a heritage of a people who fought a defensive war.  In fact, i am just perplexed as to how people cannot see the divide and conquer techniques.

"Cedar Creek Battlefield evacuated because of suspicious device; Sunday events canceled" @

Who Put Those Homemade Bombs at the Civil War Enactment???

Interesting that this happened.  It could be the banker shadow government trying to make Rednecks even madder so that they take action against said "libtards" .  It could be ignorant and hateful people too.  If it is regular people, putting bombs at a reenactment to honor the dead is pretty low down.  If it's the shadow government they want to make trouble to declare martial law or some shit like implement their divide and conquer techniques.  Either way, it's still aggression against Southern Heritage.  People should just leave the dead alone and learn some history not given to them by the zionist controlled media.  Even though, i have great troubles with people, i don't wish harm upon them; in fact, i wish for them to get free from the system. All of my "claims" are well documented in my blogs. 

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