Friday, October 6, 2017

Truly Trapped in the Vampire's Web for Day 6 of 2017 Halloween Challenge

Whether or not Vampires are genetically or spiritually real, there really are people who practice Vampiric Magick, and it is very powerful as it involves real energy work. The computer lines do seem to help astral, or out of body, Vamps to find us on the ethereal plane. Astral chords are usually attached at the sacral chakra in the stomach area for Vampiric feeding.  Stomach  discomfort may be a sign of Vampiric feeding.

The astral body of the Vampire can come to us on the ethereal plane or the servitors can affect our thoughts once attachment is made.

Comprehension is Vampire Magick is beneficial to understand this story. Angelfire (n.d.) explains that psychic Vampirism is the most commonly practiced form of Vampire Magick, and that "other Emotional State" is a manner of feeding "in a similar way to the preference of some for energy released during sex, others have a preference for energy released by other emotional states, for example anger or grief" ( para. 5). Some purposely lower our vibrations to feed. They will do things to make us mad, sad, or bewildered while others just like sex energy. Some like sex energy that has been made to vibrate low like rape and child molestation. These kind of entities also like porn and attach to it, and can affect people just from watching. Like a "demon". I don't believe in demons, but some Vampires do these things.

"The vampire is an intrinsically glamorous creature, able to alter others' perception of itself. Vampiric glamoury is most usually a part of energy vampirism. The vampire will create glamours in order to make its feeding more efficient. The most common example of glamoury of this sort may be found in sexual vampirism, where the vampire will project various attributes in order to make herself more alluring to her prey" (Angelfire,n.d. para.14). In other words, they have Magick that involves enthralling people so that they can get more "victims" for feeding or to help them get their way in life.

"Vampire Servitors. A servitor, thought-form, or egregore is an artificially created incorporeal entity made for a specific purpose in order to carry out a magician's will. Most vampiric servitors are created with the intent of draining energy (generally from a specific target) and passing that energy back to the magician" (Angelfire, n.d., paras. 12-13). Whether real or made from Magick there are astral entities that help Vampires by causing visions, whispering in ears, and stuff like that.
Most importantly "energy vampirism can and does occur on an instinctive level, but here I am dealing with it in the context of a willed magickal act, rather than as an innate part of one's nature. However, natural psi-vamps may also find magical vampiric techniques to be of use" (Angelfire, n.d., para.11). These means that sometimes people do this without even knowing it.  Next, is the story.

Sometimes even the strongest and Oldest of Souls can become so entrenched in this world that they forget who they were before they incarnated their present vessel. This must be what happened to paige because she forgot Barb, and all her other true friends on the ethereal plane to become saturated in worldly lies.

When paige first started on-line college she was still going to the church house every Wednesday and Sunday. The rest of the time she played on facebook, and did school work as her children were teenagers and off in their own doings. Since the preacher man told her that only Christians were good, she was extremely cautious to check all profiles for the "preferred religion"of Christianity before accepting friend requests. The next event changed her life.

She was just typing a silly post and a strong, sure voice filled her head that she thought must have been Jesus. He said "to truly be like me is to be LOVE. LOVE even devil worshipers. They are not damned to hell until the very last milli-second of their lives." The surety of that voice and energy of LOVE that accompanied it gave her courage begin accepting all friend request. Facebook turned out to be a window to see the world and met exciting people, and that is what paige did since Jesus told her to "love everyone".

Time rolled on, and paige met the Muslim man named Eslam in Egypt who captivated her in his youth, vitality, and dark exotic looks. He said things that got her really hot, and then he would just disappear. This is when the "suicide monsters" first came.
"You should kill yourself" paige heard in a voice that sounded like hers, yet wasn't. Suddenly, her stomach knotted up, and she saw herself in her head. In her right hand was a huge knife like Michael Myers carries in Halloween; the blade was flashing as if some light was reflecting off of it. Then paige saw herself raise the knife up and slash her throat from chin to chest. The blood flowed freely. Then she heard "if you kill yourself you can be with Robbie" who is her true soul mate that she had watched die when she was 17. So, paige became obsessed with suicide as the vision flashed through her brain frequently. She also felt lethargic and confused without knowing why, and was obsessed with Eslam because the only time that she felt good was when he was talking to her. At this point paige did not know about Vampire Magick.

Soon, paige joined a Vampire Coven that she found on-line because she wanted to show them Jesus' LOVE so they might get saved.
When Von de Knight, the Coven's Master, first messaged her she felt so pleasant as a tingly sensation spread through her body. The energy that Von exuberated was enthralling and enchanting. Paige had confessed to troubles with "demons" affecting her son to Von, and asked for his protection. He agreed, and she saw a silvery grey spider web encircling her and her two sons on the astral field. Not only did her son's erratic behavior improve, but the "suicide monsters" went away as well.

 Paige still didn't understand Vampire Magick, but she was deeply grateful to Von, and so enamored that all she wanted to do was lay down to bask in the energy he sent while she freely him her energy in return. One great side effect is that whatever charm Eslam had put on her was broken so that she became disgusted with him and blocked him. In paige's mind, Von had saved her so she thought he must be the Vampire King from her dream in the story
"Embellished for Detail True Scary Story Halloween Challenge 4: The Vamp Wars" @

This is just one example of a way that a Vampire can be very attractive to us, and get our energy, and paige was glamourously trapped in a Vampiric Web.
In future blogs i will go deeper into what i learned in the Vampire Community while i was participating. My blogs "When Children are Afraid to be Alone with a Bit on Protecting Your Childe", and 
Angelfire. (n.d.). Vampiric Magick. Retrieved from

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